reflections on bird flu/ flu hunter

Bird Flu is a very dangerous disease. It may be passed on by human to human, even for some animals. It is well-known for its ability to kill people in an instance and is one of the deadliest disease in the world now. Doctors are still trying to find the cure for the disease.This disease is spread within the country or some, country to country. As bird flu had killed a huge amount of human lives, it is the point of attention in the media at that time.

Q1. the problems are poultry farmers finding difficulty to sell their chickens, tourists unable to travel to those country that have the bird flu disease, the rise in the number of people dieing because of this disease etc.

Q2. Those with the disease mus be responsible and go for further observations in the hospital, to prevent the disease from spreading, prevent intense contact with birds, clean the farms more often or sterilize it, and as doctors to work out the cure as soon as possible.

Q3. The pandemic is the ''scariest thing in the world'' as it has taken a lot of people's lives. It may be easily spread among humans, and as there are a lot of birds in the world, it makes the disease more easily to be spread out. Without a cure, and with the rate of human dieing kept increasing, how can it be not the ''scariest thing in the world'' ?

07S16 group two

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